Did you know?

Employees who use drugs:

Frequently change jobs

$7,000 average cost of a new hire

Lose more worktime

3x as many sick days, 2.5x more likely to be absent

Are less productive

1/3 less productive

Have more accidents

Employees who use drugs are 50% more likely to be involved in a workplace incident

File more workers comp claims

5x more likely to seek a workers compensation claim

Increase medical costs

Incur 300% higher medical costs

Current positivity rates are highest in 12 years


Increase in employees testing positive for cocaine


Increase in employees testing positive for marijuana


Increase in employees testing positive for methamphetamine

Drug Screening with MGO

Employers with a drug testing program maintain consistently lower drug test positivity

Happy Clients

“Background investigations by Mega Group are superior. Our bottom line is clearly better with this resource. Results matter!”

– Jeffrey M., Risk Management

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